Blackley performing jiu-jitsu in company of a friend

Hello there,

I am Robert Blackley and I am a fan of natural living. Eating healthy forms part of the equation which leads to a healthy body and mind. When we are very much aware of the bodily aspect as far as food is concerned, we have a tendency to forget about the mental aspect.

Having a healthy mind is also directly related to the food that we consume and the healthier will be the body, the better will be our mental disposition in life.

How Healthy is Paleo?

The paleo diet caters for most of the micro-nutrients that is needed for the proper functioning of the human being. This lifestyle is also geared towards eliminating pesticides, chemicals and processed sugars from our diet. When we most of the time mention the culprit as fat, in my opinion, those three mentioned earlier has the most devastating effects on our body and mind.

By eating paleo, we are more conscious about what we a putting in our mouth. We become a picky consumer and this attitude altogether eliminates those 3 items from our diet most of the time. If we want more energy in our daily life and the best ever healthy, paleo is the way to go! But this is not sufficient, our diets has to be tasty too and the paleohacks cookbook helps us achieve this.

Enjoy a good physical and mental condition by adopting the paleo lifestyle that I will call the ‘Next Gen’ eating habits.